Dietitian & Nutritionist Services
There are many ways in which working with a Registered Dietitian can help you. Most chronic health conditions can be managed, improved or even reversed with diet, targeted nutrition and lifestyle factors! However, it's well known that the sustainability of these changes are much more successful with personalised and on-going support. We work with you to provide a deep understanding of your health, supported by lab testing & blood work, therapeutic food plans, evidenced-based nutrition & supplementation, treatments, and one-to-one education & mentoring through our Longevity platform - a roadmap for your health! Whether you are looking for one-off advice, a series of sessions, our Longevity Method 12-Week Programme, or ongoing support and coaching with one of our online subscription models, there will be something to suit everyone.
Your health is unique to you, there is no one-size fits all. Plans are personalised, and deeply intuitive.
Conditions that can be helped by a Registered Dietitian using the Functional Medicine Approach
Obesity Management
Weight Loss
Nutritional Deficiencies
Nutrient Absorption Concerns
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Coeliac Disease
Crohn's Disease
Ulcerative Colitis
Diverticular Disease
T1 Diabetes
T2 Diabetes
T3 Diabetes
Gestational Diabetes
Insulin Resistance / Prediabetes
High Cholesterol / Dyslipidaemia
Metabolic Disease
Cardiovascular or Heart Disease Hypertension
Auto-immune Conditions
Chronic Pain
Immune System Support
Liver / Detoxification Support
Heavy Metal Toxicity
Recurrent Infections
Candida / SIBO
Hormonal Imbalances
Thyroid Concerns
Menopause / Andropause
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Pre Menstrual Syndrome
Women's Health
Men's Health
Paediatric Dietetics / Nutrition
Food Intolerances
Picky Eating or Restrictive (ARFID)
Poor Gut Health
Leaky Gut
Digestive Disorders
Constipation / Diarrhoea
Chronic Fatigue
Dermatological Concerns
Skin Disorders
Skin Rejuvenation
Hair Loss
Sleep Issues
Cognitive / Memory Issues
Alzheimer's / Dementia
Chronic Stress
Adrenal Burn-Out
Depression and Anxiety